About Us

For as long as I can remember, cocoa has been a big part of my life. In my childhood home in Accra, Ghana, chocolate was a staple in our home. I come from a long line of Ghanaian cocoa farmers; my grandfather was a cocoa farmer and so was his father. It’s no wonder I have a deep love for cocoa and of course, chocolate (I’ve had a piece every single day for the last 10 years).

Like many of you, 2020 changed so much. At that time, my family and I had settled in New Jersey. My two sisters who had been living in their apartments were home. For the first time in a long time, we were living together as a family.
While it was comforting to be around family, I still felt stifled by the lock down and overwhelmed by the constant stream of bad news on our television. Baking became my escape. I immersed myself in my new hobby, experimenting with unique combinations such as quinoa, hazelnut and chocolate. Q-Snaps, a quinoa cookie bar was born as a result.

And then as though called by my great grandfathers, I began to feel drawn to making chocolate, combining it with flavors that reminded me of my childhood in Ghana and the different countries around the world I had lived in. Eventually, after countless nights experimenting with flavors, I landed on the combination that made it all worth it: chocolate bonbon shells with mango, passion fruit and coconut fillings.

This little passion of mine which evolved into an escape has now become a brand I cherish and I hope you do too. The Chocoleti Factory is for you all who also share my love as well as my great grandfather’s love for chocolate.

Lots of love,